Optimal Wealth

Blake Muraskin, BA, MS

Prior to joining Optimal Wealth, Blake worked on the investments team at several real estate private equity firms – sourcing, closing and managing commercial real estate investments across the United States. He also was an analyst at a firm that provides loans to commercial real estate projects.

Blake worked in the Fixed Income Projects group within Morgan Stanley’s Institutional Securities Division for 4 years. In that role, he worked with Portfolio Managers to implement investment strategies and asset allocation for the firm’s internal trading portfolio. He was also responsible for creating and maintaining internal pricing models for corporate bonds, mortgage and asset-backed securities.

Blake earned a Bachelor of Arts in Financial Economics at The Johns Hopkins University. He also earned a Master’s Degree in Real Estate Finance and Investments from New York University. Blake completed the Certified Asset and Portfolio Management Program at the Wharton School. Blake hails from New York City where he attended the Horace Mann and Columbia Prep schools.


Advisory services offered through OptiWealth, LLC, a registered investment adviser.
Check the fees for this investment professional here:
MA Fee Table – OptiwealthFees2024

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